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The Pros And Cons Of An Offer In Compromise

Pros and Cons of an Offer in Compromise

For many, the phrase “tax debt” is a daunting and stressful set of words. Paying any sort of debt is stressful, but with tax debt especially, and depending on how much you owe, you can be hounded by the IRS for a long time. It can be extremely difficult to pay off tax debt: you…

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Why You Should File Your Taxes Early

Tax Preparation

You’ve heard it before. It’s a piece of advice you’ve heard over and over again, and you still don’t take it into consideration as often as you should: File your taxes early! Sure, the deadline is roughly a couple of months away but that doesn’t mean you should keep procrastinating. There are obvious benefits to…

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Reduce Your Taxes By Making Your Spouse Your Business Partner!

Reduce your taxes. Make your spouse your business partner.

Strategy Overview It works like this: You own an existing sole proprietorship or want to start a new business. You and your spouse form a general partnership or limited liability company to manage the business. You and your spouse provide cash or property for your interests in the new business. Your spouse does not participate…

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